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Alla Socia Fabiola Gianotti il Premio Madame de Staël for European Values 2023

La Socia  Fabiola Gianotti ha ricevuto il Premio Madame de Staël Prize for European Values 2023 con la seguente motivazione:

"in recognition of her remarkable scientific achievements and her exemplary leadership as the first ever Director-General of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) to be re-appointed for a second full term. The selection committee felt that Gianotti’s efforts in pursuing CERN’s mission of bringing European nations together and her commitment to fostering an environment in which research can flourish beyond national boundaries were both outstanding in their own right, as well as complementary to ALLEA’s own mission of facilitating scientific collaboration across borders and disciplines".

Il Premio è assegnato da ALLEA (All European Academies) come riconoscimento dell'importanza di attività intellettuali e scientifiche volte a promuovere il progetto Europa e i valori comuni.

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