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Quantum Mechanics applied to Earth Sciences

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Quantum Mechanics applied to Earth Sciences

Data: 26/03/2025 - 27/03/2025

Ora inizio giorno 1: 14:30
Ora inizio giorno 2: 09:00

Luogo: Roma - Palazzo Corsini - Via della Lungara 10
Sala: Scienze Fisiche

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La conferenza sarà trasmessa in diretta sui canali lincei: DIRETTA STREAMING

L'attestato di partecipazione viene rilasciato esclusivamente a seguito di partecipazione in presenza fisica e deve essere richiesto al personale preposto in anticamera nello stesso giorno di svolgimento del convegno

Quantum mechanics applied to Earth Sciences is a fascinating and increasingly important field of study. While traditionally quantum mechanics has been associated more with the realm of particle physics and the study of subatomic particles, its applications to earth sciences have become evident and significant to help us understand the fundamental processes that occur within Earth’s geological structures. This includes the behavior of atoms and molecules in minerals, the properties of materials under extreme pressure and temperature conditions, and the mechanisms behind geological phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of rocks.

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