Ora inizio giorno 1: 10:00
Luogo: Roma - Palazzo Corsini - Via della Lungara 10 Roma
Sala: Scienze Fisiche
Per partecipare in presenza è richiesta l'iscrizione mediante modulo di registrazione
L'attestato di partecipazione viene rilasciato esclusivamente a seguito di partecipazione in presenza fisica e deve essere richiesto al personale preposto in anticamera nello stesso giorno di svolgimento del convegno
Geodesy is one of the oldest “modern” sciences, born together with Mechanics and Astronomy between XVII and XVIII century. We recall that the first empirical proof of Newton’s law, namely the decrease of the gravitational attraction with the squared inverse of the distance, has been of geodetic character, based on a model of the Earth with spherical layers of constant mass density. This is the same law controlling the motion of bodies in the Solar system, if not of the whole Universe, which however requires more advanced physical theories, like General relativity, Astrophysics, to account for its evolution. On the same time the positioning on the Earth surface was taking advantage of the direction of the vertical on the celestial sphere; just think of ancient navigation instruments like the astrolabe. These models and technologies are today superseded by modern tools for the observation of the Earth in particular from the full deployment of e.m. connections between ground stations and satellites. For instance the determination of the dynamics of Earth satellites, under the complicated gravitational pull of the earth gravity field, is nowadays controlled by laser ranging as well as radio-wave phase observations like those of the Global Navigation System (GNSS). The positioning of points on the Earth and the navigation on its surface are again matter of using GNSS observations. Not to be mentioned the possibility of sounding the Earth surface with optical, radar or other e.m. waves at different wavelengths, to derive its physical state, e.g. temperature, humidity of the soil or wind forcing of the ocean. Exactly the same, or similar, methods are used for instance to follow and control planetary space missions, or to determine the presence and state of atmospheres on planets, as well as of their surface. This seems a valid reason for the Accademia dei Lincei to devote one of the recurring Geodetic Days to the exploration of the interface between the two sister sciences: Geodesy and Astronomy.
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