Scienze Fisiche
III Fisica, Chimica e applicazioni
B: Chimica e applicazioni
Anno di nomina: 1994
Email: vincenzo.balzani [@] unibo.it
Prof. emerito dell'Università di Bologna (già Prof. ord. di Chimica).
Vincenzo Balzani is Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at the University of Bologna, Italy. He is one of the most cited chemists, with about 35000 citations and h-index 101. Some recent Awards: Honor Professor, East China University of Shanghai, 2009; Nature Award for Mentoring in Science, 2013; Archiginnasio d’oro, Città di Bologna, 2016; Gand Prix de la Maison de la Chimie (France) 2016; Premio Guglielmo Marconi per la Creatività, Fondazione Marconi, 2017; Leonardo da Vinci Award, European Academy of Sciences, 2017, Turro Award, Inter-American Photochemical Society, 2018; Cavaliere di Gran Croce della Repubblica Italiana per meriti scientifici, 2019; Primo Levi Award, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker and Società Chimica Italiana, 2019.
His scientific activity is documented by more than 650 papers in the fields of photochemistry, supramolecular chemistry, molecular machines, and solar energy conversion. His books Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds (1970), Supramolecular Photochemistry (1991), Molecular Devices and Machines (2008), Energy for a Sustainable World (2011), and Photochemistry and Photophysics: Concepts, Research, Applications (2015) have been and/or are currently adopted as textbooks in several universities worldwide, including China and Japan. He believes that scientists have a great responsibility that comes from knowledge, so that it is their duty to find solution for mankind's problems, like the current energy and climate crisis.
web site: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/vincenzo.balzani