Scienze Fisiche
III Fisica, Chimica e applicazioni
A: Fisica e applicazioni
Anno di nomina: 1997
Email: carlo.dicastro [@] roma1.infn.it
Prof. emerito della Sapienza Università di Roma (già Prof. ord. di Meccanica statistica).
Carlo Di Castro, Ph.D. in mathematical physics (Birmingham, 1964), is professor emeritus (Sapienza Roma) and member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
-He was awarded the Presidential Gold Medal for services to education and culture (2003), he received the Humboldt Research Award in recognition of his accomplishments in research and teaching (2004) and the title of Meritorious Member of the Italian Physical Society (2015).
-CDC served as a member of the IUPAP Condensed Matter Physics Commission (1993-1999), has organized and chaired several international conferences on statistical mechanics, many-body and condensed matter physics and served as a member of the program and advisory committee numerous times editing several proceedings. He has lectured in several postgraduate and international schools, has delivered over 120 invited talks in international conferences and co-authored over 160 scientific publications.
His main research interest has been the understanding of collective properties of condensed matter and many body systems, the behaviour of which cannot be explained in terms of single particle schemes and whose low energy properties are qualitatively different from those of non-interacting systems.
He has pioneered the renormalization group approach to critical phenomena, an approach he later extended to quantum Bose and anomalous Fermi-Luttinger liquids. He has made key contributions to the metal-insulator transition and to the theory of interacting disordered systems beyond Anderson localization. His proposal of a scenario of high temperature cuprate superconductors based on phase separation and Charge Density Wave quantum criticality was ahead of its time. Charge density wave is now ubiquitously observed in cuprates and is the most studied among the competing orders.
A summary of his scientific activity can be found in European Physical Journal History (2014). DOI 10.1140/epjh/e2013-40043-5.
With R. Raimondi he co-authored the volume: “Statistical Mechanics and Applications in Condensed Matter”. Cambridge University Press (2015).