Scienze Fisiche
I Matematica, Meccanica e applicazioni
B: Meccanica e applicazioni della Matematica
Anno di nomina: 2010
Email: p.podioguidugli [@] gmail.com
già Prof. ord. di Scienza delle Costruzioni nell'Università di Roma Tor Vergata.
Paolo Podio-Guidugli holds a degree in nuclear engineering (Pisa, 1964). In 1975, he won national competitions for the chairs of Mathematical Physics and Strength of Materials, and chose the latter, serving as a full professor at the universities of Ancona (1975-1977), Pisa (1977-1983), and Rome TorVergata (1983-2012).
His research interests are in rational continuum physics, with emphasis on the mechanics of materials and structures: linear and non-linear elasticity; materials with internal constraints, oriented materials, materials with elastic range; rods, plates, and shells; wave motion; motion of phase interfaces in solids, crack propagation; dynamics of deformable ferromagnets; strain effects in superconductors; mechanics of nanotubes and viral capsids; continuum theories of phase segregation by atomic rearrangement; continuum and statistical thermodynamics; foundational issues in molecular dynamics, with special reference to multi-scale modeling of condensed matter.
He has published some 250 papers,7 books, and 4 edited books. He has held visiting positions at various foreign institutions, including Carnegie Mellon University, the Johns Hopkins University, and I.C.E.S. (University of Texas at Austin), in the U.S.; the universities of Rio de Janeiro, S. Paulo and S. Carlos in Brazil; the University of Strathclyde, the Université P&M Curie, the Universität Kaiserslautern, the City University of Hong Kong, KAUST (King Abdullah Science and Technology University), and OIST (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology). He has been a keynote or plenary speaker at a number of meetings in Italy, Canada, USA, Brazil, Italy, Armenia, Georgia, China, Argentina, Belarus, and Japan. He has been an invited colloquium lecturer at plenty scientific institutions in Italy, Brazil, USA, France, Turkey, South Africa, Belgium, Germany, Canada, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and Japan.
He has represented Italy in the General Assembly of IUTAM (1994-2014), and is a co-holder of the patent Deployable Tensegrity Structure, especially for Space Applications. United States Patent Application 20150151854.
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