Scienze Morali
III Critica dell'Arte e della Poesia
Anno di nomina: 2024
Email: sylvia.ferino15 [@] gmail.com
My particular focus has been the original art object and questions of invention, graphic treatment and material execution as the basis of scientific research into specific art-historical and art-critical themes. This applied to my research on the work of Raphael as well as of Giorgione, Titian, Arcimboldo and many other subjects. My position at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, where research into the original works of art, their creation, conservation and history always formed the starting point, provided the perfect basis for developing scientific projects in collaboration not only with conservators and natural scientists in-house, but also with colleagues in other international institutions. Increasingly the results of research projects could be made accessible to large audiences through important exhibitions and accompanying catalogues or books, sometimes in collaboration with international partner institutions in Europe (Venice, Milan, Rome, Madrid, Bruges) and abroad (San Francisco, Tokyo).