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Digitized archives

The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei considered it very important to start a digitization project in image format of archives and documents that it keeps in its headquarters in Via della Lungara. The primary purpose is certainly to improve the protection and enhancement of its assets. In fact, the replacement of the originals with digital images, for a consultation oflity, avoids the use of the material and its wear. The second objective, no less important than the first, is to allow scholars to access the material even remotely. The project was started in 2014 and uses the open-source application ICA-ATOM for the archival description, in compliance with ICA standards.

The user can search and view the documents in digital formatof some private archives kept by the Academy; of course it is an ongoing project that will be implemented hand in hand with additional materials of great cultural value. The first archive considered was that of Joannes Faber (see also J. Faber) whose correspondence, due to the vastness of the topics, has been and is still the subject of numerous studies and research; the projet continued with the diaries of Leonardo Paterna Baldizzi, completely unpublished, rich in history but above all in imagination and with the Guglielmo Marconi Fund, the Gino Loria Photographic Fund.

In 2020, the archives already published were migrated to the new Atom platform.



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