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The historical archive. Presentation

copertina archivi

The Archive preserves the original documents produced during the historical-scientific, institutional and administrative activity of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, from its establishment to the present day. The considerable documentary heritage is organized in correspondence with the different periods of academic history; a first nucleus (The first Academies) concerns academic lifebefore the Unification of Italy (Physico-mathematical Society and Collegio Umbro Fuccioli), Accademia Caetani then Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei (1801-1804) then Accademia dei Lincei (1801-1840), Pontifical Academy of the New Lincei (1840-1870); then followed by the Royal Academy of the Lincei, the Royal Academy of Italy and finally the National Academy of the Lincei.

In addition to the recovery activityand conservation with sorting and inventory work, the historical archive makes available the skills for research, studies and publications aimed at enhancing the preserved documentation.

The archival heritage also includes many private archives of cultural interest that have come to the Academy through donations and acquisitions. According to archival regulationsin force, all funds are made available to the public as soon as they are equipped with the appropriate consultation tools

The "digitized archives" project was launched in 2014 and uses the open-source ICA-ATOM application for archival description, in compliance with ICA standards. This project has as its primary purpose that ofenhance the protection and enhancement of academic heritage by replacing, - exclusively for research purposes - the consultation of originals with the consultation of images.

The second objective of this project, no less important than the first, - especially for the role of Institute of High Culture that the Academy plays, - is to allow the community of scholars the acstopped the material even remotely and free of charge, thus responding to the requests of scholars to promote free historical research as much as possible and to improve knowledge of the documentary heritage preserved in the Academy's archive.

On this page the user can search and view in digital format the documents of some private archives kept byat the Academy; of course it is an ongoing project that will be implemented hand in hand with additional materials of great cultural value.

For consultation in the Historical Archive, contact Dr. Ornella Stellavato by email at or call 39(6)68027225.

Il nuovo regolamento dell'archivio storico รจ stato approvato dal Consiglio di Presidenza del 12 febbraio 2025

Regolamento AS (213.29 KB)

In questa sezione sono pubblicati i moduli da riempire le seguenti richieste:

consultazione dell'Archivio storico

riproduzioni dei documenti

pubblicazione senza scopo di lucro di riproduzione di documenti 

autorizzazione a pubblicare per utilizzi commerciali riproduzione di documenti

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