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  • Art. 1: "The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, an institution of high culture, based in Rome, pursuant to art. 33 of the Constitution, gives its own regulations and performs its institutional tasks in compliance with the laws of the State and within the limits established by them.... It aims to promote, coordinate, integrate and disseminate scientific knowledgeentities in their highest expressions within the framework of the unity and universality of culture...". [Article 1 of the Articles of Association]
  • purposes referred to in the previous article, the Academy holds assemblies and meetings of the United Classes or of the individual Classes; organizes national and international congresses, conferences, conventions and seminars; participates, with its Members, initalian and foreign events and may also assume the international representation of similar cultural institutions; promotes and carries out research activities and missions; awards prizes and scholarships; publishes the reports of its sessions and the notes and reports presented therein as well as the acts of the congresses, conferences and seminars and other initiatives promoted by it.on request and also on its own initiative - opinions to the public authorities in the fields of its competence; possibly it formulates proposals... It carries out, in the continuity of its tradition, any other activity useful for the purpose. For the implementation of its purposes, the Academy can accept bequests, donations and establish foundations". [Art. 2 of the Articles of Association]

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