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Malanotte, Paola

Foreign Fellows

Cat. II Astronomia, Geodesia, Geofisica e applicazioni

Elected: 2023



Prof. ord. di Oceanografia nel Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Paola Malanotte (Rizzoli) is a fluid dynamist investing the circulations and processes both of the atmosphere and the ocean, with a specific interest in:
chaos and solitons: data assimilation, methodology and applications; dynamics and climate of marginal seas such as the Mediterranean and the Indonesian seas; ecosystem modeling of eutrophic basins such as the Black Sea; coupled climate models of the Asian maritime continent; global and regional climate processes.
A constant interest throughout her career has been the study and prediction of the extreme floods affecting the city of Venice, Italy and its lagoon and the construction of the MOSE barriers for their protection.
She has also participated in hydrographic surveys in the Gulf Stream, the Adriatic Sea, and the Eastern Mediterranean.

