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Panza, Giuliano Francesco

Scienze Fisiche
II Astronomia, Geodesia, Geofisica e applicazioni
B: Geodesia, Geofisica e applicazioni
Year of appointment: 1987
Email: giulianof.panza [@]


Giuliano F. Panza: former professor of Seismology, Trieste University, Head of Group at Abdus Salam ICTP. Scientific activity marked by the broad multidisciplinary nature of the problems considered: integrated analysis of structure and dynamics of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system; integrated approach to modelling seismic waves in near-field and far-field; earthquake-prone lineaments and premonitory seismicity patterns. In cooperation with the Italian Space Agency, the simultaneous use of the neo-deterministic approach for the ground motion estimation, of the monitoring of the space-time variation of hazard and of the Earth observation data, lead to the construction of time-dependent hazard models based on strong geophysical ground, that have generated particular interest at Civil Defence level. Recent studies have evidenced the relevant role of CO2 Earth mantle degassing in the exosphere.


Other attachments:
Bibliografia del Socio G. Panza 1708_bibl.pdf
CV del Socio G. Panza 1708_CV.pdf

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