Scienze Fisiche
III Fisica, Chimica e applicazioni
B: Chimica e applicazioni
Year of appointment: 2023
Email: luisa.torsi [@] uniba.it
Prof. ord. di Analytical Chemistry dell'Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Luisa Torsi is a professor of analytical chemistry at the University of Bari and president of the Regional Center on Single-Molecule Digital Assay. She received her laurea degree in Physics and the PhD in Chemistry from UNIBA and was post-doctoral fellow at Bell Labs in USA.
In 2010 Torsi was awarded the Merck prize and in 2019, she received the Distinguished Women Award from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). She was also president of the European Material Research Society. Torsi is the winner of the Wilhelm Exner Medal 2021, a prize awarded since 1921 by the Austrian Industrial Association and the Premio del Presidente della Repubblica dell’Accademia dei Lincei.
Torsi has authored ca. 230 papers, published also in Science and Nature journals. Her works collected almost 16.200 Google Scholar citations resulting in an h-index of 63. Gathered research funding for over 40 M€, comprises several national and European projects, mostly coordinated by her.
Torsi is committed to the role-modeling for younger women scientists. In a recent campaign by Fondazione Bracco, she was featured in a story of TOPOLINO (Italian series of Disney comics), as “Louise Torduck”, a successful female scientist of the Calisota valley.
Other attachments:
CV della Socia L. Torsi