Scienze Fisiche
III Fisica, Chimica e applicazioni
B: Chimica e applicazioni
Year of appointment: 2023
Email: Silvia.Bordiga [@] unito.it
Prof. ord. di Chimica Fisica nell’Università di Torino.
Silvia Bordiga has always applied spectroscopic methods to achieve a detailed understanding of the physicochemical nature of a large variety of nanostructured high surface area materials that find applications as heterogeneous catalysts. The peculiarity of her work is to develop a versatile experimental platform based on the combined use of laboratory spectroscopies and advanced techniques available at the synchrotron beam lines in controlled atmosphere. Broad aim of the work is to describe the structure and the number of the active sites; the reaction mechanisms; the origin of catalysts deactivation. Most of these activities are performed thanks to the collaboration with industrial partners. Relevant examples are: 1) TS-1 (Titanium silicalite) a unique catalyst for selective partial oxidation with H2O2; 2) Fe-Zeolites, a relevant catalyst in partial oxidation with N2O; 3) H-Zeolites used for Methanol to hydrocarbon/olefin processes; 3) Cu-exchanged zeolites for ammonia selective catalytic reduction and direct synthesis of Methanol from Methane. More recently she is actively working on the development of the emerging field of Porous Metallorganic Frameworks, both contributing to the understanding of known materials and researching new ones for specific applications (e.g. in collaboration with Oslo University: discovery of UiO-66 metallorganic framework topology that is a very thermal and chemical stable metallorganic framework; in collaboration with Berkeley university: disclosure of the reaction mechanism of CO2 adsorption on post-synthetic modified metallorganic framework). The commune denominator of her interests is the broad concept of sustainability, strongly interconnected with the energy efficiency and of the integration of resources (possibly renewable) to allow a sustainable grow of our society.
She is also strongly involved in dissemination, communication, and teaching. Since many years she organizes and take part to “third mission” activities, presenting talks at different audiences with the scope of engaging people of any age, towards a better knowledge of our planet, showing the limitation of its resources, risks in exploiting them, opportunities in reduce waste and develop a sustainable growth. Finally, being the President of the Master Course in Materials Science in the period 2015-2021 (one of the few courses at the university of Turin, fully given in English), she favoured access to the course for international students, encouraging those from countries under development. From 2022 she is the coordinator of the Internationalization commission of the Chemistry Department at the Turin University.
Other attachments:
CV della Socia S. Bordiga
Bibliografia della Socia S. Bordiga