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NSc vol.29: indice

Notizie degli scavi di antichità

Comunicate dal Ministero all’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

s. IX, vol. XXIX, 2018, CD ROM, Roma 2019



I. – ROMA. – Indagini sul Palatino: fronte della Domus Flavia e c.d. Tempio di Iuppiter Invictus, di V. Graffeo, P. Pensabene.

Abstract.‒ The relics of the temple that lie along the so-called clivus Palatinus, discovered by P. Rosa in 1866, provide crucial evidence for the reconstruction of the Palatine Hill’s topography and areal distribution. Only the podium of the temple, made of opus caementicium, is still preserved; the structure rises immediately west of the occidental pillar of The Arch of Domitian, 17 m away from the ancient Roman pathway. Unfortunately the podium, 12 m wide and 24 m long, has lost its original aspect due to collapses which have brought about the loss of some parts. The temple has been variously identified, but until now its podium has never been fully investigated. Another area of interest is that of the Domus Flavia. Excavations carried out in front of its northern side, toward the Lararium, have yielded important insights into the earlier stages of the Domus. The purpose of this contribution is to draw new attention to an area situated along one of Rome’s most important roads.


1. Primo settore: scavo lungo le fondazioni del podio della Domus Flavia

p. 7

2. Secondo settore: saggio di scavo sul perimetro del c.d. Tempio di Iuppiter Invictus

p. 11

3. Conclusioni

p. 26

4. Abbreviazioni bibliografiche

p. 28


II. – Roma – La raccolta di sculture della Pontificia Università Antonianum di Roma, di Fabio Paglia.

Abstract.‒ The work presents a research conducted for the Mobile Property Protection Service of the Special Superintendence for the Colosseum and the Central Archaeological Area of Rome, that has allowed to catalogue and highlight an interesting archaeological collection preserved at the Pontifical University Antonianum (also known as “Antoniano”), managed by the Franciscan Order. The collection is formed by the artifacts discovered during the building of the University in the second half of the 19th century and in 1947-48. The catalogue is focused on statuary and architectural elements and also includes the missing artifacts (witnessed by photos) and those ones transferred to other museums. The study is completed by a topographic analysis of the area, close to the basilica of St. John in Lateran, and would demonstrate the existence on the site of an aristocratic residence, maybe related to the Ummidii family and to the Severan dynasty, and of a private sacred area dedicated to the cult of Isis-Fortuna.


1. Introduzione e inquadramento topografico

p. 29

2. Catalogo

p. 37

3. Conclusioni

p. 80

4. Elenco dei soggetti

p. 82

5. Abbreviazioni bibliografiche.

p. 82



III. – Roma – Antica Tenuta di Tor Marancia: complesso funerario e cultuale, di M. Nicoletta Pagliardi e Maria Grazia Cecchini

Abstract.‒This study allows the ancient topography of the area – bordered by Via delle Sette Chiese on the north, by Via Ardeatina on the east and by the Fosso della Cecchignola on the South – to be better understood regarding its road system and the distribution of settlements and burial sites. Both rural and residential dwellings have been identified, belonging to the known type of suburban settlements and chronologically ascribable to a period falling between the late Republican age and the 4th century AD, with a most densely populated phase between the 1st and 2nd century A.D. The eastern boundary of the area is represented by the ancient via Ardeatina, which almost faithfully follows the course of the modern road and that, on the South, touches the ancient road n.2 (present-day via di Grotta Perfetta), which crosses the via Laurentina vetus (n.7). As early as 1600, the district, divided into estates, was used for agricultural and grazing purposes with reed beds along the ditches and irrigation channels. A characterizing feature, from the 5th century BC and at least until the 2nd century BC, is the path of the Via Laurentina vetus that, coming from Rome, reached site n.55. Here, a complex funeral and religious settlement has been identified. This, together with the nature of the places, the nearness of watercourses and woods and, in particular, the presence of a cave along the hollows of the via Laurentina vetus, suggests the existence of a sacred area devoted to the cult of a sylvan divinity that, on the basis of epigraphic findings, can be identified with the god Silvanus


1. Inquadramento storico topografico del comparto (M.N. Pagliardi, M.G. Cecchini)

p. 87

2. I rinvenimenti e gli scavi (M.N. Pagliardi, M.G. Cecchini)

p. 122

3. Complesso funerario e cultuale: sito n. 55 (M.N. Pagliardi, M.G. Cecchini)

p. 162

4. Conclusioni (M.N. Pagliardi, M.G. Cecchini)

p. 213

5. Abbreviazioni bibliografiche

p. 214

6. Appendice. Il Sarcofago delle Muse (M.N. Pagliardi)

p. 215


IV. – Roma – Antica Tenuta di Tor Marancia: complesso funerario e cultuale, di M. Nicoletta Pagliardi e Maria Grazia Cecchini

Abstract.‒ Between 2003 and 2004, in an area comprised between the Via Ardeatina and the Via di Grottaperfetta, archaeological excavations were carried out prior to the construction of a residential building in Via Giacomo Caneva, at the corner with Via Giacomo Brogi. The excavation highlighted two main macro-stages of human habitation: in the Republican period the area was devoted to farming, as evidenced by the discovery of some trenches, connected with cultivation in rows, which suggest the presence of a vineyard. From the mid-first century AD, as farming was abandoned, this plot of land was occupied by a large necropolis, whose graves, at times, were dug into the filling earth of the abandoned planting trenches. 165 earth burials were found, mostly with tiles and roof-tiles used as a cover and some with funerary equipment, whose artifacts allowed the burials’ timespan of use to be assessed between the mid-first century AD and the first half of the fourth century AD. The necropolis extended beyond the limits of the investigated zone, so the suggested dates may fluctuate in the light of future new discoveries. Probably this plot of land was used as a cemetery by the dwellers of one of the many farming sites attested in the area.


1. Inquadramento geologico,

p. 227

2. Contesto storico-topografico,

p. 228

3. Lo scavo,

p. 235

4. L’attività agricola,

p. 237

5. La necropoli,

p. 239

6. Tipologia delle sepolture,

p. 254

7. I corredi,

p. 261

8. Analisi antropologica,

p. 265

9. Conclusioni,

p. 269

10. Catalogo degli elementi di riferimento cronologico,

p. 271

11. Tabella riassuntiva delle sepolture,

p. 286

12. Abbreviazioni bibliografiche,

p. 293


