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NSc vol.29-30: indice

Notizie degli scavi di antichità

Comunicate dal Ministero all’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

s. IX, vol. XXIX-XXX, 2019-2020



I. – Montescaglioso (Matera). − Quattro tombe della necropoli presso l’Abbazia di S. Michele Arcangelo (R. Bianco, M. Canosa), p. 5.

Abstract.‒ During the consolidation and restoration of the Abbey of San Michele Arcangelo at Montescaglioso, carried out in 1991 and 1994, a monumental necropolis of the IV century BC was found. It covered an area of ​​approximately 60 m2. During the first excavation campaign the four tombs here examined were found, which can be ascribed to a politically hegemonic group, in a period between 380 and 330 BC. The two semi-chamber tombs (nos. 187-188) were tampered with in the fifteenth century AD. Tomb n. 185, demolished by the closing wall of the eastern cloister, contains the few remains of the monumental funerary equipment of a young warrior. Tombs n. 186, 191 (first and second deposition) and 192, found intact, contain rich equipment with splendid red-figure vases and pottery in the style of Gnathia, as well as weapons, iron and amber ornaments, iron and lead tools related to the ceremonial practice of the collective banquet reserved for the ruling classes. The survey ends with a short outline of the settlement and a quantitative analysis of the findings found within the four burials, divided into classes.


1. Introduzione

p. 5

2. Montescaglioso e l’Abbazia di S. Michele Arcangelo. Cenni storici

p. 8

3. Storia dei rinvenimenti nel territorio di Montescaglioso

p. 10

4. Il rinvenimento della necropoli (campagna di scavo febbraio-giugno 1991)

p. 13

5. Tomba n. 186

p. 16

6. Tomba n. 191

p. 39

7. Tomba n. 192

p. 68

8. Tomba n. 185

p. 81

9. Considerazioni sui reperti nelle quattro tombe: classi ceramiche, ambra, metalli

p. 88

10. Conclusioni 

p. 93

11. Abbreviazioni bibliografiche

p. 97


II. – Punta Scifo (Crotone) – Il relitto “Orsi” di Punta Scifo e gli altri carichi naufragati con marmo nel mare di Crotone (E. Lattanzi, A. Freschi, P. Pensabene, R. Auriemma, T. Tedesco), p. 99.

Abstract.‒ The “Orsi” wreck, found at Punta Scifo, south of Capo Colonna, is one of the most famous evidences of a shipwreck of a Roman cargo vessel. The ship carried a load of marbles for a total weight of about 300 tons. Underwater investigations, started by Paolo Orsi, date back to the beginning of the last century. Since 1983, the Archaeological Superintendence of Calabria has carried them out again in different stages, along with the exploration of several other wrecks in the area of the promontory of Capo Colonna.
The 1983 excavation journal, edited by Alice Freschi together with the ‘Cooperativa Aquarius’, is published here for the first time. The excavation finds - above all Asian marbles - basins, columns, decorated capitals, all dating back to the III century AD, replicate the typology of the items already published by Paolo Orsi; however, a stretch of the boat’s planking was also recovered, with fragments of floor timbers of the hull of the ancient ship.
New investigations along the southern coast of Capo Colonna, in the bay between Capo Rizzuto and the area off the coast of the castle known as “Le Castella”, were carried out between 1988 and 1994, and implied the review of some earlier archaeological reports. This resulted in the identification of two jetties of a port, remains of stairs, manmade stone blocks and some architectural elements. In the middle of the bay, in front of Capo Piccolo, an archaic Greek wreck was excavated in 1994, which yielded fragments of Corinthian amphorae of the A and B type and fine pottery, all datable within the 6th century BC. Two modern wrecks were also inspected: one, east of Capo Piccolo, was equipped with guns, while the second one carried lead ingots.
The exam of the planking fragments allowed the size of the ship to be assessed (approximately 30 x 9 m), as well as its alternating mortise-and-tenon building technique and position at the bottom of the sea. The origin of the marbles of the cargo, from Phrygian quarries and those of the Proconneso, made it possible to retrace the courses that the ship is likely to have followed. The vessel’s destination was certainly Rome, judging by the number of blocks and columns with quarry inscriptions. The presence of blocks with leaden seals confirms that at least part of the load was of imperial property.
The article provides also an analysis of one of the most remarkable finds of the shipment. This is a small bronze representing Hercules struggling with the Hind of Ceryneia. Such an iconography dates back to the famous work by Lysippus that was part of the sculptural group of Heracles erected, according to Strabo, in the sanctuary of Alyzeia, in Acarnania, and later transported to Rome and exhibited in the temple of Hercules Musarum or in the temple of Hercules Victor, near the Tiber. The group by Lysippus was to earn great renown in the ancient world and had numerous imitations, even in Roman sarcophagi having a continuous-frieze front.

Finally, the theme of the Promunturium Lacinium and the Promontories known as Japigi, with the legendary islands, is dealt with in a supplement. Today, this geographical area is part of a Protected Marine Area, established in 1991 by the Ministry of the Environment as the “Marine Nature Reserve of Isola Capo Rizzuto”. The particular richness of the submerged reef derives from the characteristics of the seabed that host particular fish species and flora. Bathygraphic investigations confirm the existence of a group of islands between Capo Colonna and Le Castella, known to Pliny and still remembered in the eighteenth century.


1. Indagini archeologiche sottomarine nel Golfo di Crotone dal 1983 al 2005 (Elena Lattanzi)

p. 99

2. Relitto dei marmi di Punta Scifo, Crotone (Cz): relazione preliminare e giornale di scavo 1983 (Alice Freschi)

p. 109

3. Il Relitto “Orsi” di Punta Scifo e gli altri carichi naufragati con marmo nel mare di Crotone (Patrizio Pensabene)

p. 130

4. Una statuetta bronzea raffigurante Eracle e la cerva dal Relitto Orsi da Punta Scifo (Crotone) (Elena Lattanzi)

p. 231

5. Indagini 1988-1994 tra Capo Rizzuto e Le Castella: strutture e giacimenti sommersi (Rita Auriemma, Alice Freschi)

p. 237

6. I Appendice: Trasporto di vetro grezzo: un documento dal relitto di Punta Scifo (Crotone) (Elena Lattanzi)

p. 253

7. II Appendice: Il promontorio Lacinio e i promontori Japygi. L’Area Marina protetta “Capo Rizzuto” e le isole leggendarie (Tommaso Tedesco)

p. 257

8. Abbreviazioni bibliografiche

p. 267


III. – Antonimina (Reggio Calabria). – Locresi sul Dossone della Melìa: prime prospezioni geofisiche e saggi di scavo in località Coculédi e al sito fortificato in contrada Bregatorto (Paolo Visonà, G.M. Crothers, P.A.L. Crestani, J.E. Knapp), p. 275.

Abstract.‒A geophysical survey and test excavations conducted in 2017 on the Dossone della Melìa (also known as Dorsale Tabulare), a high ridge on the western borders of the territory of Locri Epizephyrii, have yielded new data on the layout and lifespan of two contiguous Greek sites which were probably settled by the Locrians. A rectangular building at località Coculédi was occupied between the late 6th and the mid-5th centuries BCE; a large fortified enclosure encompassing an area of nearly 2200 m² at nearby contrada Bregatorto appears to have been continuously occupied from the early 5th until the early to mid-3rd centuries BCE. This fortification was a major control point on the most direct overland route between Locri and its sphere of influence on the western coast of Italy..


1. Introduzione (P. Visonà)

p. 275

2. Le prospezioni geofisiche (G.M. Crothers)

p. 280

3. I saggi di scavo in località Coculédi (P. Visonà)

p. 284

4. Il saggio di scavo in contrada Bregatorto (P. Visonà)

p. 289

5. La ceramica rinvenuta negli scavi della campagna 2017 (J.E. Knapp, P.A.L. Crestani)

p. 291

6. Conclusioni (P. Visonà)

p. 296

7. Ceramic Catalogue (J.E. Knapp)

p. 297

8. Abbreviazioni bibliografiche

p. 307


IV. – Taormina (Messina). ‒ Una cisterna nel giardino dell’hôtel Timeo e i suoi materiali (scavi 2001) (Francesco Muscolino), p. 311.

Abstract.‒ Una cisterna scavata nella roccia, individuata nel corso di indagini archeologiche presso l’hôtel Timeo di Taormina, ha restituito una ingente quantità di materiale, soprattutto ceramico, che offre un articolato quadro delle diverse classi presenti nel II secolo a.C. in un ricco contesto pubblico o residenziale. Pezzi di produzione locale coesistono con materiali di varie provenienze dando una precisa immagine dei complessi rapporti che collegavano la Sicilia con il resto del mondo mediterraneo, dall’area egea alla penisola iberica.


1. Le indagini archeologiche

p. 311

2. Catalogo

p. 315

3. Considerazioni generali

p. 382

4. Abbreviazioni bibliografiche

p. 385


V. – Selinunte (Trapani) – Lo scavo dell’area del tempio E sulla collina orientale. 1972-1976 (M. Nicoletta Pagliardi), p. 387.

Abstract.‒ The aim of this study is to shed light onto the different stages of the life and the constructional features of the temple E throughout a series of surveys carried out along its external perimeter. The survey highlighted two building stages prior to the mid-5th century BC phase known so far. The foundations of the temple E actually rest on an earlier base of slightly larger size, dating back to the decades between the close of the 6th and the beginning of the 5th century BC and ascribable to a sacred building, called E2, which was never completed. This older foundation overlaps a smaller building that incorporates and reuses the architectural structures. Of the oldest building, called E1, besides the remains partly included in the foundations of the cell of the temple E, the materials of the votive deposit used in the filling layer on the east façade of E2 have survived. The dating of the votive offerings that have been found – imported and local pottery, bronzes, small altar (arulae), etc. – falls between the second quarter and the end of the 6th century BC. In the SE and NW areas of the sacred zone, two H-shaped buildings were brought to the light. These have been identified as entrance gates or propylaea related to the E1 life phase for the chronology of the votive findings, particularly abundant and relevant in the SE area. The temenos wall of the temple E and the supporting walls of the eastern hill along the southern and western slopes were also investigated. It was therefore established that the area of the temple E had been continuously inhabited at least from the second quarter of the 6th up to the whole 4th century BC, a period to which date back the last buildings that can be functionally related to cult.


1. Lo scavo

p. 387

2. Saggi esterni

p. 390

3. Saggio sud: propileo sud-est

p. 456

4. Saggio nord-est: Il muro del temenos del tempio E

p. 496

5. Il muro di temenos sud e i muri di terrazzamento

p. 501

6. Il saggio est

p. 502

7. Conclusioni

p. 502

8. Elenco dei Pittori

p. 527

9. Abbreviazioni bibliografiche

p. 529


VI. – Selinunte (Trapani) – Commenti su alcune arule di terracotta provenienti dagli scavi del Tempio E (H. von Hesberg), p. 535

Abstract.‒ Among the findings from the excavations at Temple E there are a number of fragments of terracotta altars. They all fit well into the familiar types of such altars from Sicily, but they are for the most part of better quality. An altar decorated with a meander frieze can be completely reconstructed from various fragments. All these altars were created in the second half of the 6th or at the beginning of the 5th century. B.C.



VI. – Selinunte (Trapani) – Commenti su alcune arule di terracotta provenienti dagli scavi del Tempio E (H. von Hesberg), p. 535

Abstract.‒ Among the findings from the excavations at Temple E there are a number of fragments of terracotta altars. They all fit well into the familiar types of such altars from Sicily, but they are for the most part of better quality. An altar decorated with a meander frieze can be completely reconstructed from various fragments. All these altars were created in the second half of the 6th or at the beginning of the 5th century. B.C.


1. Analisi delle categorie di bronzi attestate 

p. 545

2. Alcune considerazioni finali

p. 552

3. Abbreviazioni bibliografiche

p. 554