Scienze Morali
VI Scienze Giuridiche
Year of appointment: 2023
Email: nilico [@] tauex.tau.ac.il
Prof. emerito della Tel Aviv University (giĆ Prof. ord. di Legge).<br /><br />
Nili Cohen, Israel Prize laureate, Law Professor (emerita), former President of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and former rector of Tel-Aviv University received her LL.B. magna cum laude, LL.M. summa cum laude, and Ph. D. from Tel-Aviv University. As a student she was the co-founding editor of Tel-Aviv university Law Review. She is the author of <i>Interference with Contractual Relations, Inducing Breach of Contract</i> and co-author of <i>Contracts A, B, C, D</i>. Recently she published a book on law and literature: <i>Laws, Sentences and Words</i>. She is the recipient of the Sussman Prize (twice), the Zeltner Prize, the Minkoff Prize for excellence in Law in 2002, and the Rector Prize for Excellence in Teaching (thrice). <br />
Nili Cohen, a member of the American Law Institute, Academia Europaea and the American Philosophical Society, is an Honorary Professor, the University of Buenos Aires, and an honorary doctor, Haifa University and Ben-Gurion University. She was a member of the Committee of the Codification of Israeli Law. As Rector she established the relations between TAU and Venice International University and served as a member of its Academic Council.
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