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Fu, Jun

Scienze Morali
VII Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Year of appointment: 2024
Email: fujun [@]


FU Jun is Professor of Political Economy at Peking University. A graduate with PhD from Harvard University, he has held faculty positions at School of Economics and Management and School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University, School of Government at Peking University, and served as Director of Global Public Policy Educational Program between Peking University, Columbia University, LSE, and Sciences Po. Currently he also holds joint appointments at National School of Development, School of South-South Cooperation and Development, Yenching Academy, and School of Art at Peking University.
Deploying transdisciplinary and group theoretic approach, he has developed the MG (metaheuristic growth) theory – a high-dimensional generative model that explains economic performance in the real world of nonlinear, complex ecosystems ultimately constrained by thermodynamics. His English publications also include 
Institutions and Investments (University of Michigan Press); Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in China: Policy, Technology, and Markets (Springer Nature), and China’s Pathways to Prosperity: Abductive Reflections on Reforms and Opening-up (Palgrave Macmillan 2024, forthcoming).
He is a 2008 Beijing Olympic torch bearer, and foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna Institute.

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