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ALLEA - Recognising Digital Scholarly Outputs in the Humanities

p>È stato pubblicato il report "recognising digital scholarly outputs in the humanities"  curato dal Working Group ALLEA E-Humanities

Il report sottolinea che la diffusione dei prodotti digitali e delle pubblicazioni disponibili in rete nelle discipline umanistiche va considerato come naturale conseguenza del crescente utilizzo di tecnologie digitali. Pertanto, invita a adottare sistemi di valutazione che tengano conto del lavoro interdisciplinare, delle nuove metodologie e dei nuovi prodotti che assumono formati diversi da quelli tradizionali quali libri o articoli di rivista.


In an era marked by rapid advancements in technology and an increasing emphasis on Open and digital outputs, the humanities have seen a significant transformation in their scholarly practices. To address, evaluate and recognise these changes, the report ‘Recognising Digital Scholarly Outputs in the Humanities’ sheds light on the evolving landscape of digital humanities scholarship.

Drafted by the ALLEA Working Group E-Humanities, the new report stresses that the expansion of digital practices and open outputs in humanities scholarship should be regarded as a natural progression of scholarly endeavours leveraging digital technologies. It calls for the adaptation of assessment systems, emphasising the importance of interdisciplinary work, novel research methodologies, and innovative scholarly outputs that go beyond traditional academic formats such as books or journal articles.

The report also underscores the significance of linking studies with FAIR research data, acknowledging continuations and open-ended outputs, recognising multiple scholarly roles in the authorship attribution, providing interdisciplinary competence-building, and improving evaluation processes.

The report’s second section provides practical recommendations for evaluating specific types of digital scholarly outputs, such as digital scholarly editions, extended publications, databases and datasets, visual representations (infographics and maps), code, blogs, and podcasts. Each case study includes examples and suggested reading materials.

Read the full report here

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