Scienze Fisiche
I Matematica, Meccanica e applicazioni
B: Meccanica e applicazioni della Matematica
Anno di nomina: 2023
Email: franco.flandoli [@] sns.it
Prof. ord. di Probabilità e Statistica alla Scuola Normale Superiore.
Franco Flandoli is a Professor of Probability and Statistics at Scuola Normale uperiore, previously at University of Torino and University of Pisa.
Beside past and recent research activity on Optimal Control Theory, Random Dynamical System, Stochastic Partial Differential equations and the theory of regularization by noise, Interacting Particle Systems and their macroscopic limit, applications in biomedicine, volcanology and climate change, areas where in some cases he is working still now.
His present main interest is Stochastic Fluid Mechanics and Turbulence, topics on which he is working with a group of young collaborators under the ERC Advanced Grant named NoisyFluids. On this topic, his main interest is understanding the impact of turbulent small structures on large scales and on embedded particles.
A main part of his activity is devoted to training young researchers, Master, PhD and post doc.
Altri allegati:
CV del Socio F. Flandoli
Bibliografia del Socio F. Flandoli