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Commissione Ambiente. Current Issues in Climate Research

Commissione Ambiente
dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

Current Issues in Climate Research

Report submitted to the Conference 
“Current Issues in Climate Research” 
(Rome, 9-10 September 2021) 
for final approval

Climate change is an indisputable fact, and the major role played by anthropogenic emissions of total greenhouse gases (GHG) has been increasingly substantiated by progressive improvements in our scientifc understanding of the climate system.

Confronted with an extraordinary challenge, humanity must thus take decisions of overwhelming impact for present generations to prevent calamities of unprecedented consequences for future generations. Tis is indeed unusual, as the possible benefts of present actions will be enjoyed by the children and grandchildren of those making decisions today. Te issue is further complicated by the planetary scale of climate change, which implies that people in a country will beneft (or sufer) from the politically legitimate actions (or inactions) taken by people living in other countries.

The success of any strategy will depend on the role played by two main actors: science and politics. While the responsibility for actions will ultimately rests on the capacity of politics to let a universal common strategy emerge by smoothing the oppositions arising from vested conficting interests, the role of science and technology is equally important.

Science cannot make ‘certain’ statements, yet it allows estimating the probability of occurrence of future events at the best of current knowledge. Based on such estimates, science has the major task of ofering a clear and honest picture of what is known, what is less known and what is still unknown, so that the eforts required to counteract climate change can be evaluated by policy makers. Technology is expected to ofer an equally clear and honest picture of what technologies are available and mature for deployment today and what promising technologies may mature in the future. Teir cost, their environmental impact, the real risks associated with their deployment, and their efects on geopolitical equilibria are all fundamental components of the picture that technology is expected to provide in support of policy makers.

In preparation for the forthcoming COP26, to be held in Glasgow in November 2021, the Environmental Committee of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei has undertaken to contribute to an assessment of the current issues in climate research, convening an International Conference in Rome on 9-10 September 2021. Te meeting has gathered some of the most prominent scientists, economists and engineers, featuring the basic science of climate change and its impact both on natural and built environments.

The present Report is intended to summarize the outcomes of the meeting for the beneft of participants in COP26. Te Report is conceived as a sequence of outstanding questions, addressed by the Speakers in their talks. Te brief responses provided by the Speakers refect their scientifc insights, concerns, and possibly also their personal taste. Te conclusions ofered by the Report include fve important statements agreed upon by all the Speakers and form the fnal message addressed to policy makers and citizens and delivered to COP26.

I pareri espressi dalle Commissioni Lincee rientrano nella loro autonoma responsabilità.

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