- “The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, a cultural institution, situated in Rome, in accordance with article 33 of the Italian Constitution, decides its own rules and performs its institutional duties in compliance with the laws of the State and within the limits established by these… The scope of the Academy is to promote, coordinate, integrate and spread scientific knowledge in its highest expression, in the unity and universality of culture...”. [Art. 1 of the Academy Statutes]
- In accordance with the scopes defined in the previous article, the Academy holds Assemblies and Meetings of the two Classes or of the single Classes; it organizes national and international congresses, conferences, meetings and seminars; it participates with its own Members in similar Italian and foreign meetings; it promotes and carries out research activities and missions; it confers awards and grants; it publishes the reports of its meetings and the notes and memories presented therein, as well as the proceedings of the congresses, meetings and seminars. It provides - upon request, as well as on its own initiative - opinions to public entities in the fields within its competence; if necessary, it formulates proposals... It performs, in the continuity of its tradition, all other activities useful to its purpose. To achieve its aims, the Academy may accept inheritances, donations and set up foundations”. [Art 2 of the Academy Statutes]
The Academy Stautes and Regulation are available for consultation on the web site Trasparenza. Disposizioni generali. Atti generali